Monday, June 5, 2017

The M. J. O'Fallon Plumbing Company (Colorado Saddlery) Building, Denver Colorado

This building in Lower Downtown Denver was built for the M. J. O'Fallon Plumbing Supply Company whose painted bricks still adorn it.  The most famous industry to occupy this 1906 structure, however, was Colorado Saddlery which only moved out of it in 2005 after having occupied it since 1945.  Today it houses shops and lofts.


Jenjen212 said...

I live in Casper, and recently found a very old paper tag in the basement from the M. J. O'Fallon Company! I true treasure for me, a lover of all things from the past. Found in my recently purchased home, built in 1922.

Pat, Marcus & Alexis said...

Neat! Thanks for posting that!