Monday, November 12, 2018

Flour Mills Mural, Wheatland Wyoming

These photographs depict a Flour Mills mural on the main street of Wheatland Wyoming.  As can be seen from the photograph above, the building with the mural is directly across the street from the Platte County Courthouse in Wheatland, Wyoming.

Platte County was founded in 1911 by way of an irrigation project that brought farming into the region, so the mural is quite appropriate for the history of the town.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

License Plate Mural, Wheatland Wyoming.

This is an outbuilding on the property of Platte County which features a mural of one of Wyoming's prior license plates.  I don't know what the use of the building is, but everything on the block belongs to the county so it must have some governmental use.

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Wilson Drug Company, Old Highlands District, Denver Colorado

This is a bad photograph, taken from inside my truck, of a building marked "Wilson Drug Co." in the Old Highlands District of Denver.  I don't know how old this building is, but it's old.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Hotel Crescent, Sheridan Wyoming

This is a photograph of the Hotel Crescent sign on what was formerly that hotel, in Sheridan Wyoming.

Sheridan has one of the best preserved old downtown's in Wyoming.  It never really fell into a state of disrepair and the old buildings largely remain in use, if not in their original uses.  For that reason, if this blog was done correctly, there's be a large number of Sheridan photographs here.  For whatever reason, however, whenever I'm in Sheridan I tend to be a bit pressed for time, so I've never taken the time to photograph the numerous old buildings that deserve to be here on this site.  I've done better, in regard to Sheridan, with our Churches of the West blog.